effectiveness and reliability tests
Infra-red effectiveness using NVG
Videos and pictures demonstrating ProApto Ghillie Suits IR effectiveness are showcased below. White Phosphorous (WP) pictures have been taken with a Photonis Echo tube (PVS-31), while Green Phosphorous ones have been taken with a "gen3" L3 harris tube. Video comparisons were taken with a "gen2" Elbit tube in a PVS7 housing by ARMASIGHT (FLIR).

ProApto Infra-Red Night Vision Goggles Ghillie Suit - [ARMASIGHT]. Multiple comparisons in manifold environments showing the reflective capabilities of ProApto Camouflage SystemsIR devices. Nowadays, nigh vision devices, particularly digital ones, are becoming cheaper and more readily available, leading to their increasing involvement in several fields.
Above you also find a 6-phase effectiveness test report carried out in different environments and lighting conditions, and in comparison with other brands.
You can find the full YouTube video playlist of almost 2 hours of IR night vision NVG Ghillie effectiveness HERE
ghillie mechanical resistance
Above, we subject one of our ghillies to a stress-test. All our ghillie suits are made of the same high-resistence netting material - their extreme durability makes them a reliable asset for military and outdoor use. Obviously abrasion is not a thing with our Ghillie bases, which are fully waterproof and breathable. Each single mesh holds up to 50kg of direct traction (a ProApto Ghillie is made of at least 200 meshes, so do the math).
All ProApto Ghillies and Multispectral camouflage can be treated with fire-retardant of various kind. This will increase ProApto's resistance to fire. All ProApto Ghillie Patterns can be treated with fire-retardant resulting in greater safety for military personnel. In the above video, a Jute branch is exposed to direct fire source. The left portion is treated with a Fire-Retardant while the right portion is not. As you can appreciate, the treated portion can signficantly withstand to direct fire exposure while the right portion can not.
ghillie water absorption
Above, we test water retention of our Ghillies in comparison with other brands, using fabric as base. All our Ghillies are made of waterproof and highly breathable bases, which do not retain water, moisture nor smell. ProApto Ghillies can be completely waterproof if garnished with our Waterproof Infra-Red Camouflage (WIRC) fabric instead of Jute, Raffia or other meshes. Fully waterproof ProApto Ghillies are Pattern n.6, n.8, n.9 and n.17.
ghillie weight/lightweight
Above, we test water retention of our Ghillies in comparison with other brands using fabric as base. All our Ghillies are made on waterproof and highly breathbale bases which do not retain water, moisture and smell. ProApto Ghillie can be completely waterproof if garnished with our Waterproof Infra-Red Camouflage (WIRC) fabric instead of Jute, Rafia or other meshes. Fully waterproof ProApto Ghillies are Pattern n.6, n.8, n.9 and the n.17.
mobility and functionality
In this section, videos concerning the mobility and the tactical functionality of ProApto Ghillies are showcased.
With ProApto Ghillies, regardless of the camouflage materials used, you will be able to run and perform tactical movements with no impediment whatsover. ProApto Ghillies provide excellent functionality, as the Ghillie bases can be easily secured to the body ensuring adherence and mobility. Additionally, visual awareness is granted even while running: the hood will stay in place thanks to our design and our PVF-Hood System (poorly "copied" by British airsoft players and Eastern-European "camouflage" producers) .
visual effectiveness + comparisons
In this section you'll find videos concerning the visual effectiveness of our Ghillies.
All our videos can be found in the playlist section of our YouTube channel [HERE] or among our Facebook albums [HERE]
multipurpose design and versatility
In this section videos concerning the versatility and the multipurpose design of our Multipurpose Ghillie Suits are showcased. Several configurations can be achieved easily manipulating your setup.
proapto conventional ghillie thermal imaging effectiveness
Conventional ProApto Ghillies reduce human thermal signatures offering thermal concealment only within certain discrepancy of body-enviroment temperature. Above 25 degrees of discrepancy they do not offer any thermal concealment. However, conventional ProApto Ghillies offer by far more thermal concealment than professional tactical clothing and other ghillie and leaf suits. For proper thermal camouflage refer to our PREDATOR, RECONDOR, OCCULTOR and RIMATOR. For proper multispectral anti-thermal camouflage refer to this page of the website.

ProApto Thermal Imaging - Ghillie Suit Effectiveness Test - [FLIR] above is reported a video about the thermal effectiveness of conventional ProApto Ghillies in disrupting human thermal signature. Conventional ProApto Ghillies are capable to diminish thermal signature, however they are not effective as our line of Thermal Multispectral Camouflage (ProApto PREDATOR, RECONDOR1, OCCULTOR and RIMATOR Suit). Featured above photos and video reports of several testing sessions involving standard ProApto ghillie suits in jute and raffia. You can find the full YouTube video playlist for thermal Ghillie effectiveness HERE