Ghillie Suit
From 2015 ProApto revised and extended the old Ghillie Suit design, proposing an innovative system minimizing the common problems related to Ghillie suit usage. Overheating, cumbersomeness, heavy weights and textile freezing are issues you won’t experience using ProApto Ghillies.
ProApto’s multipurpose design ensure high breathability, low weight and unpaired modularity and versatility in any environment and weather.
unpaired camo
All ProApto Ghillie suits offer high 3D camouflage effectiveness (VIS and NIR) within and beyond the intended environment of use. Indeed, the 3D camouflage material is designed to perfectly blend in the operational environment while being versatility deployed in the transitional biomes related to the main environment of use. The application of natural elements or additional 3D camouflage only enhances the 3D adaptability of ProApto Ghillie systems.

3d patterns
All ProApto multispectral Ghillies can be produced in 19 different 3D VIS-NIR standardised camouflage patterns designed for all biomes of the globe.
We offer the widest choice of Ghillie camouflage worldwide. The 19 3D camouflage patterns ranges from natural fibers like Jute and Rafia (fire--retardant) to waterproof and fireproof plastic alloys .
Ghillie models
We also provide the widest worldwide choice of Ghillie models, in total our catalog boasts over 170 different Ghillie suits (6 different models x 19 different 3D patterns).
Our Ghillie design is modular and multipurpose, this mean that a Ghillie platform can be adapted to various operational uses, part can be added or removed and a single system can conceal multiple users simultaneously. For more info view our shop or contact us .

In a nutshell, ProApto multispectral Ghillie suits offer the following features:
high VIS and NIR effectiveness even at very short range
Versatility and Modularity
possibility to apply vegetation and additional 3D material on the whole system (not only in specific areas)
waterproof highly breathable base made of high-resistance plastic alloy. All bases are modular and MOLLE compatible.
To better understand the degree of reliability, comfort and effectiveness provided by our Multispectral and Modular Ghillie and Leaf suits we provide several video reports of testing sessions. You can inspect and discover how ProApto Ghillies are designed for outstanding durability (mechanical resistance), as well as how they maximise full maneuverability and functionality. In the test section you can also learn about VIS and NIR camouflage effectiveness.

We offer several resources to the public to better use our Ghillie Suits. All our Ghillies are manufactured to perform effectively in a certain set of environments/biomes, but the application of local vegetation and elements remain a crucial factor to ​achieve excellent blending with the environment. For this reason in our tutorial section you can find how to apply vegetation on ProApto camouflage systems. (Keep on mind that our Ghillies will blend just "with their baseline pattern" in situation when apply natural elements is not possible (lack of vegetation or rush).
ghillie bases
patented ip
ProApto 3D Ghillie patterns and Ghillie bases are patented over 30 countries. For our Ghillie bases we avoided using fabric since it rips, get wet and causes overheating. Our Ghillies are built on a patented plastic alloy, fully waterproof, extremely silent and lightweight which ensure long lasting camouflage system and full breathability and sensory awareness. The design of each Ghillie model is fully adjustable according to individual and operational needs or different sizing.

explore videos
We also provide several videos of the Visual and Near infra-red effectiveness of our Ghillie Suits. Our YouTube channel hosts over 250 videos organised for Ghillie models and for 3D camouflage patterns.
At the button here below you can find a youtube playlist showcasing several environmental tests and demonstrations we carried out.
italian craftmanship
Our Camouflage systems are completely designed and made in Italy sourcing italian and european materials (only rafia comes from Africa). Our uniquely trained italian artisans take days to handmade ProApto Ghillies, this is the reason why production is on demand and usually takes from 30 to 180 days to receive the order.