2D proprietary patterns
The purpose of our 2D camouflage pattern is to offer a range of 2D camouflage patterns which can effectively interact sinergically with our 3D standardised Ghillie camouflage patterns. This interest exclusively our Multispectral Thermal Camouflage which is produced with our 2D proprietary patterns and can be enhanced with our 3D camouflage patterns. Alternatively, our Multispectral Camouflage can be produced licensing our colleagues like Relv Camo, Dolos Design Systems, Phantom Leaf, or Distinctive Camouflage Design, you chose.
Our 2D patterns are an additional option to the oversaturated field of 2D camo design. Our 2D patterns cover the vast majority of the Biomes of the Globe and at the moment are divided in 2 main families: Transitio and Exitium both protected by copyright (SIAE).
Transitio family (from Ancient Latin meaning "transition" - transĭtio, transĭtĭōnis) is designed to be used in nature away from human artifacts and is both suitable for military and hunting/photography. In total are 7 camo patterns.
Exitium family (from Ancient Latin meaning "doom/destruction/ruin/death" - exĭtĭum, exĭtĭi) is designed to be used in war scenario/aftermath and in region with human artifacts. In total are 11 camo patterns.
Our 2D patterns are designed to disrupt human body, but they can be scaled to cover objects, vehicles and buildings. Licensing is Available with high-res vectorial rendering. Our 2D patterns are designed to synergically work together on macro scales (vehicles/building), namely, patterns of the same family can be composed to create a meta-macro pattern.
Who designed them? The ProApto 2D Camouflage Patterns are designed by Dr. Emanuele RG Plini (Neuropsychologist) and David Di Pietro (Senior Graphic Designer and Art Director).

The pattern NEMUS (from Latin nĕmus, nemŏris - meaning woods/grove) is designed for transitions between wooded areas, brushlands and mountains valleys and ridges. It is a versatile pattern for the temperate and continental biomes, suitable for year-round use. It is more indicated for deciduous woods rather than coniferous forests.

Civitatum is the first pattern of Exitium family (which comprises 11 2D patterns). Civitatum (from ancient latin cīvĭtās, civitatis - meaning "civilization / nation" - namely Exitium civitatum - destruction of civilization) is designed for urban and industrial areas but it is also suitable for rocky mountains and deserts.